Oct 4, 2009

Call Me NostraDrumus

If you take a look below at the date of my last blog entry (Curse Of The Drummer 2009) you'll notice that I made it on August 14th. In fact I wrote that at about 1:00 in the morning on the 14th and for some reason unknown to me I chose an x-ray image of a broken collarbone to illustrate the piece about the injuries that had plagued so many drummers in the summer months. No big deal right? Just another seemingly random blog entry to keep you guys entertained between drum tech info. The reason I mention the date of that last entry is because almost exactly 12 hours after I wrote that, I was involved in a traffic accident and yes, you guessed it, I broke my collarbone. Could've been a lot worse, grateful it wasn't, etc., etc. But the point is, out of all the photos I could have used to illustrate the article on drummer's injuries, I chose the image of the very injury I was to sustain that same day. Anyhoo, I had to stop playing for a couple months and have a torn labrum but fortunately it was a slow time for work so I only missed a couple jobs. Onward and upward.

1 comment:

  1. i have broken several bones and the worst one was the collar bone. good god, when it was mending, the pain was intense.

    shame to hear about it and the other injury.

